The Sami Rohr Memorial Tribute

This Wednesday, 17 Menachem Av, marks the first Yahrtzeit of Mr. Sami Rohr (Reb Shmuel ben Yehoshua Eliyahu ז"ל), a most generous patron and benefactor of many Chabad Centers and multiple Chabad initiatives and programs the world over, who established a family that serves as leading protagonists in the renaissance of Jewish communities with humility, selflessness, determination, and through peerless example.

In an effort to honor and pay homage to Mr. Rohr ז"ל, we turn to the family of shluchim worldwide to unite and partake in one or more of the following four initiatives in the merit of an exceptional soul.

Around the World, Around the Clock
The twenty four hour period of 17 Av will be dedicated to a joint undertaking of Limud HaTorah among Mishpachas Hashluchim. The 24-hours will be divided into periods of thirty minutes, during which Shluchim are invited to join by studying Torah Lzchuso u'l'iluy nishmaso. The names of all participants will be shared with the Rohr family. To select the time slot(s) of your choice, click here. Please note: multiple Shluchim can opt for the same time slots.

Class Dedications and Mishnayos
Please consider dedicating your shiurim and educational programs on Wednesday, to the memory of Reb Shmuel.  To participate in the study of Mishnayos corresponding to Reb Shmuel's name, please click here to download an easily accessible pdf to share in learning with your community.

Memorial Tribute
In sharing greatness, its perpetuation is inspired. To this end, the Rohr family has agreed to make available video footage of the Memorial Tribute produced by JLI for Sami's Shloshim so that his rich life and legacy, so vividly commemorated in this memorable tribute, can continue to serve as a beacon of light, motivation and  inspiration for all. Take several moments to glimpse into a life uniquely lived, by clicking here.

If you will have a morning minyan on Wednesday, 17 Av, kindly take a moment to say Lchaim with members of your community Lzchuso u'l'iluy nishmaso of Reb Shmuel ben Yehoshua Eliyahu.

It is our heartfelt hope and fervent prayer that the neshama of Reb Shmuel ben Yehoshua Eliyahu be granted its rightful place on high, sanctioning its eternal wish to bring goodness, kindness, prosperity and all Yeshuos and Nechamos to all.

With gratitude in our hearts to the Rohr family's unquantifiable gift of life, bringing Toras Chaim to tens of thousands of Jews spanning oceans and continents, we wish them and each other, Reb Shmuel's undeniably favorite bracha: that we collectively, as Chassidim Ein Mishpacha, be blessed mit gezunt un menucha!, the penultimate wish leading us to the coming of Mashiach.

May the time in which we find ourselves, the שבעה דנחמתא, finally serve to comfort and bestow upon us that which each of us yearns for - to be reunited with all our loved ones, with our Rebbe B'Rosheinu Bkorov Mamosh.