Mr. Sami Rohr ז"ל
The peak of the mountain has gone into seclusion behind the clouds of eternity. The illustrious, revered Mr. Sami Rohr of blessed memory, has gone to his eternal rest. His global impact and historical influence will continue to serve as a standard of philanthropy and Jewish activism until the coming of Moshiach and there after.
Mr. Rohr had an obvious, prophetic vision of the necessity to make an enormous investment in the continuity of our people in order to ensure that thousands of thousands of Jews who would by the natural process be severed from their holy, Jewish origin be reconnected to G-d, Torah and Jewishness. As a very successful and astute investor, he partnered with the Lubavitcher Rebbe and his system of international emissaries to establish centers in hundreds of communities across the world, with concentration in the Soviet Union and college campuses where Jewish leadership was in a vacuum. His passion for saving the Jewish spirit, bringing them home to their holy source, had multifaceted expressions. He was the anonymous patron behind our Chabad Squad which brought hundreds of our community members back to Jewishness, and the famous Kiddush enhancement program which created an exciting social environment after prayers.
Together with his enormous investment in the capital structures of these centers, including existing buildings and new centers that were built, his indispensable continuing support of the Emissaries/Rabbis was a critical component in their eventual over-the-top success. In the words of his illustrious son George who stated, “Our partnering with the Rebbe and his Shluchim gave us the most extraordinary return on our investment, the biggest bang for the buck”. The passing of this legendary, historical personality to us had an additional personal element. Though we always realized Mr. Rohr’s international influence, to our community he was a family member. The simple, physical beauty and grandeur of our sanctuary was always enhanced by the personal presence of Mr. Rohr. His eastern corner chair was a very special place and when he occupied it one felt a presence of greatness. When he did not occupy his seat and someone would sit there, people wanted to know “who is that person sitting in Mr. Rohr’s seat?”
He was respected, beloved and gave attention to everyone that approached him, from the most elderly and important, to the youngest and most simple. It was a beautiful sight to behold the glow that illuminated his face when his children, grandchildren or greatgrandchildren would come to embrace him and sit around him during prayer times.
His sagacity, insightfulness and panoramic perspective made him a most sought after advisor. Though he was an extremely occupied person with every minute accounted for, he was always available for personal advice. During the frequent times that I would take an exercise walk before sunrise on the ocean, Mr. Rohr’s lights were already on and it was usual for him to communicate at 2:00 am. I will eternally be grateful to this dearest, personal friend, confidant and advisor for his very significant advice during pivotal and important junctures in the development and growth of our community. This central pillar and foundation of our Community, together with his children Evelyn, Dr. Shmuel and granddaughter Nicole (Didi), made our first Minyan in Bal Harbour 31 years ago. His consistent, devoted encouragement and inspiration included the proper methodology in how to raise the enormous sum of money to build our beautiful center and sanctuary. He was singular in his insistence to build the most exquisite, royal and largest possible edifice to service this potential growing community that has transformed into the world class environment that it is today.
I would often tell him what a great merit and honor it was to have this world-class personality in our community. His response was always the same, “Ay Rabbi Lipskar, you know better”. What humility was embedded in his greatness. His self effacing humble spirit was nonetheless imbued with a true sense of self-confidence and Jewish pride with a clear unadulterated focus on his objectives and purpose. Mediocrity was not an option.
In his personal life, he was a true Torah scholar who respected learning and enjoyed studying concepts of Torah that were at the cutting edge of Torah knowledge. Though he never held himself out to be an expert on Torah, he agreed after much cajoling to give a weekly class in the Torah portion during the year of his Father’s passing. The regular students who came to his class became transformed into complete Baalei Teshuva. His style of teaching combined deep analysis, exegesis and left no stone unturned, researching multiple commentaries in his preparation for each class. We referred to his weekly lecture as warm, brilliant and very accessible, even to students who were not Torah scholars.
Though it would take many volumes to properly describe this extraordinary millennial giant, you might summarize his approach to life and attitude in the five regular epitaphs that were uniquely his: 1) Ordenung Must Zein – there must be order and structure. This influenced how The Shul was organized and operated; 2) Unzere iz die beste aber zu besser iz nishto kein shiur - whatever we each have is the best but there is no limit to our bettering our best; 3) Vaiter ! – we must move forward, to be static is not acceptable - we must be dynamic, moving forward and upward; 4) L’Chatchila Ariber Ariber – Over Over-the-top, and 5) his most famous one, which has become the official Shul greeting, Mit Gezundt Und Menucha - wishing each person health and peace of mind.
It is difficult to achieve the level of accomplishment he successfully passed on to his dear children: Evelyn, who is a founder of our Shul and life long President and Honorary President of the Shul’s Sisterhood and former President of Hebrew Academy; Lillian, who is a leading activist in the Sisterhood, Wizo and other important Jewish Organizations, with their husbands Dr. Shmuel and Moshe who are venerable leaders in their own right; and George, who is really a true reflection of his Father in every way, along with his wife Pamela. His grandchildren, two of whom met their Besherts at The Shul, are also extraordoinary representatives of the family, continuing in his path.
It was by Divine Providence that on the morning after the levaya I had the honor to carry the fifth Torah that the Rebbe had instructed to be written on behalf of children. More than 1.5 million children under the age if 12 had purchased a letter in these Torahs. As I carried the Torah towards the Kotel and looked up towards the Mount of Olives, I felt that I was close to the presence of the person who had impacted more than 1.5 million children in age or in knowledge. What a great merit for the family as his soul joined his regal, beautiful wife in the spiritual realms where he transversed together with an aircraft carrier full of merits.
May the Almighty console his family among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem and may we all be united together with the coming of Mashiach.
We will really miss Herr Rohr and his melodious voice, beginning the Torah for all us as our Chatan Bereishit.